C11T3P1 填空题
题目:20th century: _____ and other manmade fibres cause decline in silk production.
原文:Then in the twentieth century, new manmade fibres, such as nylon, started to be used in what had traditionally been silk products…
题目中的“20th century”变成了“twentieth century”
C6T1P3 填空题
题目: In recent years, many of them have been obliged to give up their ____ lifestyle…
原文: Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in the territory ’s 28 isolated communities…
在这道题目里面,“recent years” 变成了“over the past 40 years”,你是否能想的到呢?
C6T1P2 段落信息匹配
题目:A suggestion for improve trade in the future.
文章:Bring these barriers down would help the world’s economies grow even closer.
发现了吗?“in the future”变成了“would”,用将来时态表达了“未来”这个概念。
当然,除了明显的时间词,比如“20th century”、“recent years”和“future”,还有一些时间词比较隐蔽,我们来看两个例子:
C12T7P1 段落选小标题
题目:Young meets old
文章:Upon their release, the juvenile tortoises quickly spread out over their ancestral territory, investing their new surroundings and feeding on the vegetation…one tiny tortoise came across a fully grown giant who…regeneration of an ancient species.
C4T2P3 人名配观点
题目:Play is not a form of fitness training for the future.(John Byers)
文章:But Buyers points out that the benefits of increased exercise disappear rapidly…, so any improvement …resulting from juvenile play would be lost by adulthood.
在这个题目当中,“for the future”的替换是“adulthood”,你一定会问为什么?我们再来看看原文中的表述,“juvenile”和“adulthood”的含义分别是“青少年”和“成年人”,那么“成年人”就是“青少年”的“未来”啊。
这样一来大家是不是对时间定位词有了更深刻的理解?当然这些例子并不能代表剑桥真题中所有时间相关的词,大家在学习的过程中需要举一反三,比如说小编做一个大胆的猜想,也许某一次考试中可能会把“in the past”变成“pregnancy”,相比起已经出生的baby来说,“during pregnancy”是不是又代表past呢?
【责任编辑】:石家庄新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处