在该类型的讲座当中,我们能在文章开头听到明显的信号词,比如Today, I want to talk about ...或者Now, Let's focus on...以及诸如此类的引导语。
eg 1: What does the professor mainly discuss? (TPO1 L2 )
a. The differences in age among American mountain ranges
b. The importance of a technique used for dating geological materials
c. The recent discovery of an ancient canyon
d. A comparison of various minerals used for dating
P: OK, let's get started. Great, Today I want to talk about a way in which we are able to determine how old a piece of land, or some other geological feature is--dating techniques. I'm going to talk about a particular dating technique. Why? Good dating is a key to good analysis. In other words, if you want to know how a land formation was formed, the first thing you probably want to know is how old it is. It's fundamental. Um, take the Grand Canyon for instance.
听完文本,我们能比较快速地找到信号词(即上文划线部分),而它后面紧接着说出的就是本文出题,dating technique,即答案为B。下面让我们来分析一下错误选项:A. 在文章开头的主旨题段落当中,并没有提到任何有关于American mountain ranges,不能作为主旨;C. canyon只是本段的一个例子,不能作为主旨。D. 与A错误类似,主旨段落当中并没有提到minerals,所以不能作为主旨。
在该类型的讲座当中,教授会在文章开头提到last time, we discussed...然而回顾的部分属于无效信息,不会出题,所以我们需要注意的是紧接着出现的OK, today let’s move on to ....
eg 2: What is the main purpose of the lecture? (TPO 44 L1)
A. To provide an example of a practical use of nanotechnology
B. To show the origins of the field of nanotechnology
C. To give a brief outline of the main concepts of nanotechnology
D. To explain the growing interest in nanotechnology research
Professor: OK. Last time we finished going over some of the fundamental concepts of nanotechnology, the multi-disciplinary science of manipulating or controlling extremely small units of matter on the scale of molecules or even atoms.
So, I want to talk about how nanotechnology is being used today. And just to give you an idea, we'll look at one particular application.
根据以上讲解,我们能判断出该文本的段属于无效信息(阴影部分为引导语),而划线部分引出的内容,才是本文主题,对应选项A。同样地,我们来分析一下错误选项:B. 本文要讨论的不是纳米科技的起源,与主旨相悖;C. 这是上节课的内容,不是本节课的主旨;D. 解释对纳米科技研究日益增长的兴趣,与本文主旨无关。
eg 3: What is the lecture mainly about? (TPO16 L2)
A. Professor pianists of the 18th and 19th centuries.
B. The influence of the piano on music and society.
C. A comparison of the piano and harpsichord.
D. A comparison of musical styles before and after the invention of the piano.
Up until now in our discussions and readings about the Baroque early classic periods, we’ve been talking about the development of music styles and genres within the relatively narrow social contexts of its patronage by the upper classes. Composers, after all, had to earn a living, and those who were employed in the services of a specific patron, well, I don’t have to spell it out for you, the likes and dislikes of that patron, this would have an effect on what was being composed and performed.
Now, of course, there were many other influence on composers, uh, such as the technical advances we’ve seen in the developments of some of the instruments. You remember the transverse flute, the clarinet and so on. But I think, if I were asked to identify a single, crucial development in European music of this time, it would be the invention of the piano, which, interestingly enough, also had a significant effect on European society of that time and I’ll get to that in a minute.
上述文本阴影部分全部为主题出现之前的背景介绍,主要意思为:在钢琴发明之前,作曲家的音乐风格受出资人的喜好影响和受乐器技术进步的影响。本文主旨为钢琴对音乐风格及社会的影响,对应答案B。下面我们来分析一下错误选项:A. 钢琴家不是本文主旨,如果听到文章结尾的话,能知道女性钢琴家只是一个小例子;C和D. 本文不是比较类结构文章,所以含有comparison的词通常不能被当做主旨。
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