All the people let their hair down at the annual party在一年一度的聚会上,所有人都玩得很开心。
This news blew my mind.这条消息是我震惊。
I often read up on classical literature.我经常阅读古典文学。
My nose is blocked up.我的鼻子堵住了。
I find it useless to pull an all-nighter before exam.我发现在考前熬夜突击是没有用的。
This is the in thing to wear this season.这是这一季较流行的穿着。
He is my soul mate.他是我的好伙伴。
Those are true friends who will share weal and woe with you.只有同甘苦共患难的人才能算得上真正的朋友。
It is easy to make somebody’s acquaintance on the internet.在网上很容易和人熟识。
He is the equal of his words.他总是说到做到。
I want a beautiful garden with flowers here and there.我希望有一座长满鲜花的花园。
It is a once in a lifetime chance.这是一个千载难逢的机会。
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