2022年新的一年来临了,屠鸭们是不是对雅思口语题库又有了焦虑感呢?但是只要自己充分备考,随机应变还是没有问题的。若我还没有对某一篇话题做具体的讲解,此题等同于曾经考过的话题《制服》。为此,在这个话题里,你可以选择讲一件便服,你也可以选择你曾经买过的制服。下面跟随石家庄雅思培训机构小编一起来看看2022年1-4月雅思口语新题 |一件衣服。
01When and where you bought it
① 直接式
“When”的部分按照“Year-Month-Date-Hour”的方式补充相关的时间信息;“Where”的部分则可拆分为“Online”或者“Offline”,接着再对店铺信息做填充,比如:Location/ Shop owner/ Price/ Quality/ Who bought it等。
② 间接式
按【认知过程-目前结果】的答题框架来解题,在“结果部分”给出和“When/where”相关的信息。02How often you wear it
① 按主次拆分
② 按时间线拆分
03What it looks like
答题角度:Appearance (color/ size/ shape/ material/decoration/ style)
• Color颜色
• Size大小
描述不同的大小给人的感觉。它可能有点小,所以穿的有点紧,会让人透不过气来;它可能有点大 (oversize),穿起来很时尚,很男朋友风。
• Decoration 装饰物
• Shape 形状
衣服的形状就是衣服轮廓 (Silhouette),比如:A-line (A字形的)。但这个角度相对较为专业,如果你对于衣服的版型不是很了解的话,你可以直接忽略这个部分。
• Material 材料
我们可以给出具体的材料名,比如:Cotton, Silk, Polyester等。如果你对于这些单词都不熟悉,我们就从性质上来介绍衣服的材料,比如:Lightweight, Waterproof, Breathable等。
04Why you enjoy wearing it
① 从衣服本身出发
② 从情感出发
① Pros 好处
- Save time/ Save money 省钱/省时间
对于制服而言,它最 大的好处就是省钱/省时间。就像校服,你每天都要穿,为此你就不需要再去逛街买衣服。省下来的钱可以去买其它自己喜欢的东西,省下来的时间则可以放在工作或者学习上。
① 便服款
•When and where you bought it
My favorite item of clothing is an old hoodie. I bought it two years ago when I took part in an exchange program in the UK. On the last day of the program, I visited Cambridge University with several of my new friends and I stumbled across it in a souvenir shop opposite the university.
It was a bit expensive, but the shop owner was a kind lady and she gave me a discount. In the end, it only cost 20 pounds.
•How often you wear it
I wear it all the time when I am slouching around the house especially during the autumn and winter months. Unfortunately, it’s a bit hot to wear in the summer. I would wear it 365 days a year if I could.
•What it looks like
It’s all grey and because it is dark, it hides the dirt and my mum doesn’t need to wash it very often. It has the name of the University embroidered on the front in red which makes it stand out. It also has two big pockets at the front where I can keep all my stuff like my mobile phone, keys and purse, which is really handy
•Why you enjoy wearing it
The reason I like wearing it is because it is quite trendy and makes me feel good. It also means a lot to me. Attending Cambridge University has always been my dream since I was young. The first time I heard about it was when I was in primary school.
My mum told me it was one of the most prestigious universities in the world. If I could be a student there, my life would be very promising. I am going to do everything I can to achieve my goal. Wearing my hoodie always reminds me to keep going and never slack off.
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