支招小作文(69) | 流程图 3: 生命循环,下面跟随新航道雅思培训机构小编一起来看看吧~
# Introduction
Shown in the diagrams is the life cycle of the salmon fish. 第1句介绍图的主题。第二句话,总述图的宏观特点。As is indicated, the lifespan of the fish is quite long.
# Body
The initial stage of the lifecycle is in the upper river, whose current is slow. In this stage, eggs are laid among small stones at the bottom of reeds. It takes approximately 5 to 6 months for the eggs to hatch, and the fry – baby salmons – are 3 to 8 centimeters in length. 这句话也可以写成: The eggs hatch after roughly 5 to 6 months and become the fry – baby salmons, whose length is 3 to 8 centimeters.
* 这个段落写作的技巧重点在第1句和第二句。把“河的上游”单独写一句,避免第二句中介宾短语过多。
The babies then move to the lower river, where the current flows fast, and live there for about four years. The four-year time will witness their growth to the 12-15cm smolt. As the ‘smolt’ stage ends, the fish changes their habitat again, moving to the open sea. During the five years in the open sea, the fish will mature and experience the biggest growth of their lifetime: an adult salmon normally measures 70 to 76 centimeters.
* 这个段落的学习重点无非就是语法和词汇。
Adult salmons will return to their birthplace – the upper river, and spawn. At this point, a lifecycle ends, and a new cycle starts. 这句话也可以写成:At this point, the lifecycle starts anew.
* 至此可以总结一下:
# Conclusion
Overall, the longevity of the fish, spanning almost 10 years, is noteworthy, and the multiple times of habitat change are also noticeable.
* 老章在此再次总述图的宏观特点。但是,比开头段的总述那一句增加了一个信息点。
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