每日分享,支招小作文(65) | 饼图1:内部比较与之间比较。希望对备考雅思考试的同学有所帮助。
* 数据图:【饼图】
* 主要描述:【比较】。注意:比较关系存在于每个饼内部的板块,也存在于饼之间。
# Introduction
Shown in the set of three pies are the average percentages of three substances consumed in Americans’ meals. in general, there are apparent similarities and notable differences.
* 开头段落中的第1句话的划线部分是老章反复提及的倒装现象。
* 开头段落中的第二句话,既是对图表的总述,也是套话,还有词汇得分点(表示程度的形容词)。
# Body
First, the similarity between the intake of sodium and that of saturated fat is marked: in dinner, American people take in the largest portion (43% and 37% respectively) of a day’s whole amount of the two nutrients they consume. The second highest daily intake of sodium (29%) happens in lunch and is twice of the intake when Americans eat breakfast or snacks. Third, in terms of the consumption of saturated fat, there are no wide variations but a 5% difference between the meals except dinner.
The case with added sugar is vastly different. 42% – a predominating percentage – of added sugar is taken in during eating snacks, making a sharp contrast with the 16%-23% during the three regular meals.
* 最后这个段落,两句话。第1句话是用第三个饼去比较于前两个饼。第二句话是第三个饼内部的比较。
# Conclusion
Overall, since those substances may cause health problems if eaten in excessive amounts, Americans should be most careful when they eat dinner and snacks.
* 这个结尾段落的写作内容有一些难度。难点在于超越了数字,去解读数据暗示的信息(但是注意,这个解读是安全的,是基于题目中的“all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much”而来的)。
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