Developing countries require help offered by international organization to ensure healthy and sustainable development.Some people think that financial aid is important.Others believe that practical aid and advice is more important.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
对于发展中国家而言,financial aid是有很大益处的,国家修建学校,修路建桥都需要钱,而商业的崛起和扩张也需要财力支撑
fund the building of schools and education systems,the construction of roads and bridges,and the financing of business start-ups and expansions
然而在很多情况下,国际组织给予的financial aid可能到不了人们手中
financial aid from international organizations often times does not reach the people or parties for whom it is intended
financial aid may be subject to wasteful spending or worse,corruption
the more efficient use of funds and resources
Instead of providing one-time food donations,the international organization should offer practical knowledge regarding how to keep sustainable food source
因此小编的观点是,financial aid很重要,但是要想可持续,必须辅以practical aid,你怎么想呢?
Although financial aid is certainly beneficial to a developing country the benefit of that aid will not be sustainable unless it is accompanied by practical advice and knowledge in regards to how to use hose funds
It is quite common to provide international aid to poor countries these days.Some people think financial support is more important than practical aid.I believe that these aids should be combined with each other in order to achieve the best beneficial results.
Financial funds are fundamental but given directly to developing countries may pose a threat to the society and cause many related problems,like corruption.Countries that receive funds on a regular basis may develop a reliance on this source of finance.Also,authorities will take advantage of this opportunity and try to use the money for other purposes.In the end,citizens in developing countries cannot enjoy the benefit of these financial aids.
主体1段:写直接给financial aid可能会引发的问题
Practical aid and advice,on the other hand,may contribute more.International organizations can build public facilities schools,libraries to offer locals opportunities to receive education in order to find jobs in the future.The positive effects may not be seen in a short period of time,but in the long run,the educated workforce will break their country’s reliance on financial aid from other countries and boost their economy independently.
主体2段:Practical aid and advice的好处
In my opinion,I believe that financial aid and aid for sustainable development are equally important for people in developing countries.International organizations can support these financially struggling countries with funds especially when their citizens are suffering from serious problems like starvation.While if it is not in an emergent situation,instead of providing money,many of these countries truly need technicians to teach them how to build power plants and experts to offer guidance on sustainable development.
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