石家庄雅思培训班小编为大家准备了雅思口语part2:亚洲首 位雨果奖获得者,这位科幻小说家深受大家喜爱!该话题也是本季变题季的话题!
相信大家对刘慈欣都不陌生,他是一位科幻小说作家,《三体》这部深受大家喜欢的科幻小说,就是他的代表作,他也凭借着这部小说获得了,第73届世界科幻大会颁发的雨果奖最 佳长篇小说奖,这是亚洲作家首 次获得该奖。除此之外,2019年口碑爆棚的科幻电影《流浪地球》,也改编自他的同名小说。我个人非常喜欢他,所以今天,我们就来聊一聊刘慈欣这位优 秀的作家。
刘慈欣已发表作品约400万字,并荣获国内多个文学大奖。2013年,刘慈欣以370万元的年度版税收入第 一次登上了中国作家富豪榜,这也是国内科幻作家零的突破。
Describe a writer you would like to meet.
You should say:
Who the writer is
What you know about this writer
What you would like to find out about
Why you like to meet him/her.
Being a sci-fi novel lover, Liu Cixin is one of my most beloved science fiction writers. He was born in June 1963 and he has been regarded as a leading voice in Chinese science fiction, who is the first Asian writer to win the Hugo Award, the most prestigious international science-fiction prize. Some of his books have been translated into more than twenty languages. and an award-winning trilogy by Liu (including The Three-Body Problem, The Dark Forest, Death’s End) has sold some eight million copies worldwide.
Liu’s interest in science stems from his childhood. When he was little, he already developed a fascination with weapons and then even started to make gunpowder. Meanwhile, his father sent him a speculative fiction, a copy of Jules Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” , opening a new door for the young Liu to another world, which had a great influence on his writing career. His books appeal to many people, even Barack Obama. We are all blown away by his astonishing imagination. If you haven’t read his books, try to start with the trilogy, you will fall in love with it and then this great author in no time.
1. prestigious adj. 有声望的
2. trilogy n. 三部曲
3. in no time 立刻,马上
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